Applying Functional Safety with Semiconductors, ISO 26262 - PART 11
On December 20, 2018 the second edition of ISO 26262 was published. One of the biggest challenges, and opportunities in the document, was the guidance offered in Part 11 to Semiconductor organizations. Many semiconductor organizations have not had a chance to read or to understand this document. This webinar will highlight the significance of this guidance document.
There were many key changes, the standard has added a Part 12 on Motorcycles, a Part 11 on Guidance on Semiconductor Development, and has integrated specific requirements for Trucks, Buses, and Trailers / Semi-Trailers throughout. Additionally, there are several key changes organizations need to recognize, such as a scope change in ISO 26262, where it now include “all road vehicles.” The standard also references Cybersecurity in Part 2: Management of Functional Safety, and includes an Annex E, an (informative) Guidance on potential interaction of functional safety with cybersecurity. As in the first edition, the standard does not address the nominal performance of E/E-Systems and, specifically, the safety of autonomous vehicles that are not caused by malfunctions. However, this will be addressed by ISO/PAS 21448 or SOTIF (Safety of the Intended Functionality). SOTIF and ISO 26262 will impact all parts of the Automotive Supply Chain. The integration of SOTIF with ISO 26262 will be the key challenge of hardware suppliers engaged in “perception systems” for automobiles.
This webinar will highlight the changes to the ISO 26262, but the main focus will be on how Semiconductor organizations can tackle ISO 26262. The new standard provides guidance on SEEOC and also provides suggestions on how hardware can be structured between the System on a Chip or SOC.

Gregory Gruska
Greg Gruska - Omnex Champion for ISO 26262, and a Fellow of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) • Omnex Inc. Greg Gruska, Omnex Champion for Functional Safety and ASQ Fellow, specializes in ISO 26262 engagement, systems engineering, and reliability/safety analysis. With experience spanning various industries worldwide, including automotive, he excels in integrating Functional Safety into development processes. Formerly of General Motors, he managed Quality Engineering, focusing on statstics and new technology development. Greg’s expertise extends to Functional Safety, SOTIF, and hardware metrics, offering guidance to OEM teams. A prolific writer and speaker, he has published numerous works on quality management, statistical analysis, and risk control. Greg, a licensed Professional Engineer and ASQ certified Quality Engineer, is highly regarded as a risk management authority and active member of industry committees. He provides consulting, training, and software services in Ann Arbor, MI, with a specialization in Automotive Software and ISO compliance.