Key Issues and Solutions for Functional Safety in Automotive Development Programs
In this presentation, we will outline the Automotive space:
- Key Issues and Solutions for Functional Safety in Automotive Development Programs
- This presentation will focus on several key issues that have been recognized inside the Functional Safety domain across the automotive industry, with special emphasis on EV and AV product development.
- These issues/observations are based on many years of experience in automotive vehicle development, systems engineering, and EV / AV technologies including application of the Functional Safety ISO26262 standard.
- The issues outlined will be recognizable and the speaker will offer some tangible solutions to address these challenges.

Brian Kozumplik
Brian Kozumplik is a an experienced Functional Safety Senior Systems Manager with concentrated skills in Parts 2 and 3 of the ISO 26262 Funcational Safety standard, 2nd edition. He has written and conducted training for Functional Safety and Fault Tree Analysis. Brian has detailed experience working for a Tier 1 automotive supplier providing lateral motor control hardware and software. Brian holds the AFSP (Automotive Functional Safety Professional) certificate thru TuV SAAR, and had managed a team of functional safety engineers for 5 years. Brian is also a member of SAE’s ISO 26262 standard working group committee reviewing latest developments in Functional Safety, including SOTIF (Safety of The Intended Function), and COSSA (Controls Oriented System Safety Analysis). Brian has a BSME from Michigan State University (1980) and has completed numerous Masters Courses in Statistics from Oakland University (1991/92). Brian has a passion to ensure products are safe, reliable, and are developed on time with quality for our customers.